A governess works as a child educator within a private home.
They will usually have a background in teaching and are responsible for the intellectual and social development of the child.
Governesses do not usually take care of any nursery duties.
Latest Candidates
The average time to recruit a nanny from start to finish is 2-6 weeks.
The Signature Staff team spend a considerable amount of effort to draw up a shortlist of candidates whom are the best-fit for your household based on your requirements and their skill-set and personality.
Further time needs to be allowed for the schedules of both the client and candidates for interviews and possible subsequent trials particularly for overseas roles.
If you require and position to be filled urgently please advise your consultant of your anticipated time frame and we will work out hardest to fulfil your request.
For a temporary nanny the process can prove to be over a significantly shorter time frame (as little as 1 hour).
Please get in touch with one of our Signature Staff team members to discuss your requirements.
Please read both our client and candidate testimonials on Signature Staff’s exceptional service levels and unique approach.